Dallas Nicole Foundation: Summer Day Camp Academics
Dallas Nicole Foundation received a request for academic support from a summer day camp program from a metropolitan Detroit inner-city church. The summer day camp director mentioned that the day camp had no academic activities, and the summer day camp staff was specifically seeking a math-based overall curriculum for the 8-week program to keep the youth engaged in school activities during the summer months.
Dallas Nicole Foundation Chief Executive Officer met with the director of the summer day camp program to determined overall expectations for the program, also discussing academics as being “fun and enjoyable” for the children.
Dallas Nicole Foundation designed an 8-week program curriculum, using the foundation’s “The Edutainment Series” which combines education and entertainment to teach elementary and middle school students mathematical concepts. These concepts consisted of data collection and analysis tools; and training on how to apply these concepts and utilize analysis tools to develop solutions to “real-world” problems.
Students engaged in fun and educational activities using mathematics including taking averages of number of jumping jacks performed during exercise, conducting hands-on projects that included documenting and charting times of how long it took to assemble small LEGO projects, developed poems and songs with “mathematical” lyrics and more!
During the final assembly and program conclusion; parents, summer day camp staff, church members and volunteers gathered for a celebration and congratulated the students for completing the program! At this time, the students also demonstrated their acquired knowledge by presenting and explaining their problem solving and analysis skills along with the storyboards that they completed on their chosen project! Students were recognized for their outstanding work!
Dallas Nicole Foundation is supported by volunteers from diverse backgrounds! The objective of the Dallas Nicole Foundation is to assist students in improving their mathematics skills to a proficient level, develop their physical health and wellness practices, and their life skills. Dallas Nicole Foundation believes that students need to excel academically in Reading, in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM), and be as healthy as possible. During this program, students developed basic skills to be able to adapt to the environment they are placed in each day, and to compete internationally in the growing global marketplace and beyond!