Ebony Boger

Photo of Ebony, USPS employee

United States Postal Service

Cause Area


entrepreneur, artist, mother

What is the charitable cause you are most passionate about and why?

I'm most passionate about awareness for people struggling with hair loss due to my own personal struggles with it. Loosing your hair can be very traumatic and not everyone is able to understand how that feels. I want those who experience this to have a voice and a network to help them cope and still know they can live their best lives.

Why do you give through the CFC?

I give through the CFC to ensure that my support goes directly where it can truly be of use.

How do contributions through the CFC help your cause?

I believe contributions through the CFC help to educate people on what their options are when facing something of this nature as well as allowing a platform to how that anyone can go through this.