Community Improvement & Capacity Building

Nanyamka Payne

Nanyamka Payne

General Services Administration/Office of Civil Rights


Driven. Committed. Fearless.

What is the charitable cause you are most passionate about and why?

Activate Good

The title of this organization instantly drew me in. It speaks to what you have to do each day by activating your inner winner to produce good. I want these achievers to reach their goals by supporting them not only financially and virtually. I am passionate about encouraging others to find the good in themselves no matter what they face in this life.

Why do you give through the CFC?

It's user friendly. I love the breakdown between donations and hours volunteered. I know that the monies are going to further grow my charities and increase the government's mission.

How do contributions through the CFC help your cause?

I love my family. Activate Good enriches lives by the community work they are doing to build leaders and change in the Triangle, NC area. I appreciate all you are doing. Keep up the award-winning work and I am rooting for you to win! ?