This story begins in 2009 when Wrigley, a then 1-year-old Australian Cattle/ Blue Tick mix dog, weighing 59 pounds, came to the Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) as a stray. He was adopted within a month. He came back to NHS in 2020 as a stray, once again, and was reclaimed by his owner. Then, in late 2020, Wrigley was confiscated during an eviction and again returned to NHS. This time, Wrigley was 13 years-old, 111 pounds AND had a very large tumor on his abdomen.
After staying with an NHS foster family to lose some weight, Wrigley underwent surgery at NHS to excise the tumor, which was a whopping 6.1 pounds! This was a very extensive surgery, with an involved resection and drain installed. Wrigley stayed at NHS for a few days to ensure his pain was managed and he was healing properly. He then returned to foster care. This sweet, old gentleman recuperated with his doting foster family. When cleared for adoption, he found his forever home with his foster parent’s sister! Now Wrigley is healthy, pain free and living an incredible life in his forever home.
Wrigley’s story illustrates the many services provided by the Nebraska Humane Society (NHS): animal control services, adoptions, reunifying lost pets with owners, medical treatments, shelter and compassionate care and volunteer foster parents. None of this would be possible without the generous donors who fuel our animal welfare efforts. Thank you for considering contributing to NHS and the thousands of other animals like Wrigley, needing another chance at life!