They Gave Him a Home
Tim D. has been gone from TBCH for several years now. Recently, he shared the following about his experiences while a resident at TBCH--taking the horses on trail rides, playing street hockey, and avoiding snapping turtles while fishing in the pond. Now he is married, works as an industrial maintenance technician, and serves as a volunteer firefighter.
“I got my start in the welding program on campus. The houseparents took time to show the guys different things, saying you’re going to need this when you have your own family and your own house. Miss Anita actually helped me find a school for it, and I went to trade school at Tennessee College of Applied Technology. Houseparents have so much emotion and they care so much. I have not met a houseparent who doesn’t care and genuinely want to be there.
“TBCH really enlightens you to the different trauma people can experience and you don’t know it by glancing at them. But once you get to know that person you begin to understand why they behave a certain way. It can definitely change your mind set about how you approach certain things and how you can help.
“The Tennessee Baptist Children’s home took in a young boy, who had experienced great loss in his life. They gave him a home. They gave him love, acceptance, accountability, structure, and discipline to shape his mind. They gave him proper nutrition and hard work to shape his body. What they didn’t know is they helped shape his whole future. That boy grew into a man, got married, works a trade and is a firefighter. That young man appreciates what TBCH did for him. He will forever be thankful for the opportunity at a great life and the great start that was handed to him. The only question he has now is just how far can he succeed? If you ask how I know that man, it is because I am him. I am thankful for the work TBCH did and continues to do.”