A place to call Home
Having proudly served the United States Navy, Jones cherished the time spent in Hawaii and Alaska in particular. Jones joined us after spending a period living downtown behind some bushes while receiving dialysis at our local Veterans Administration hospital. Every so often, after growing weary of the daily dialysis and constant hospital stays, thoughts would always circle back to wishing for the end. One day, Jones had finally had enough and was ready to quit dialysis and spend the last few days of life with us, in our home. After several weeks of settling into this new home, one with a bed, four walls, a roof, and a door; Jones found a renewed sense of dignity and even hope. There was a change of heart and dialysis treatment through the VA restarted. End-of-life care and medical respite for the homeless is a critical service gap in our community. Giving Jones the opportunity to die with dignity in a supportive and safe home for the homeless is a success. It is our duty to care for and see to that our homeless community is afforded the same dignity as we all are. Jones’ death was not just a death, it was one less death alone and vulnerable on the streets.