A Mother's Testimony
In 1998 my daughter, Bailey, was 18 months old. At that time, I expressed my concern about her poor speech and language skills to our Pediatrician. Our doctor assured us that everything was fine but suggested that if we had concern's with Bailey's progress that we should enroll her in Parents As Teachers. Our Parent Educator met with Bailey and my husband for the next six months since he worked second shift and stayed home with her during the day. At Bailey's two-year evaluation our Parent Educator Cindy told us that she felt like Bailey seemed smart but that she was delayed in both speech and language. This delay led her to suggest that it was possible that Bailey could not hear. The idea that Bailey might not be able to hear was a shock to us. The possibility that our child might have a hearing loss had never crossed our minds but we followed her advice and contacted our Pediatrician to have Bailey's hearing evaluated. Our Parent Educator was correct, Bailey did in fact have a bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss and required hearing aids. It was because of our involvement with Parents as Teachers that Bailey's hearing loss was identified far earlier that it otherwise would have been and she was able to get special education services. I strongly believe that it was the early interventions she received that allowed Bailey to be as successful as she is now. Today Bailey is about to turn 24, is married, works full time at a daycare, and is a fulltime college student seeking a degree in early childhood education. We are so proud of all that she has accomplished and we have, in part, Parents As Teachers to thank for that.