This Is HOPE

Operation HOPE Leading The Silver Rights Movement

HOPE is dedicated to uplifting communities and restoring financial dignity and economic opportunity in a n effort to remediate root causes of social, economic and racial injustice. HOPE's primary purpose is to enhance, align, leverage, promote and establish best practices and innovative strategies for spurring and sustaining results-based poverty reduction strategies, economic growth, and pathways out of poverty. HOPE serves families, youth, adults, and small businesses who are facing financial challenges due to generational poverty created by systemic inequalities and racial barriers. HOPE's goal is to turn check-cashing customers into banking customers, renters into homeowners, small business dreamers into business owners, minimum wage workers into living wage consumers, and uncertain disaster victims into financially empowered survivors.

Charity Name
Operation HOPE, Inc.
Photo Caption
Operation HOPE Leading The Silver Rights Movement
Photo Credit
Hope Marketing and Communications Department