The Heart of Fidos Changes A Veterans Life
In 2005 Ryan lost his right arm and left leg while serving in the US Army. While most people can imagine tasks a service dog could provide an individual such as Ryan, he would like to highlight a few benefits that might not come to mind immediately. From Ryan: “When you are a person living with a visible disability, being in the community often elicits stares and inquisitive looks from others. With Griff, my disability becomes less of the focus since he offers a conduit for conversation about something most people love, dogs. It has been nearly 15 years since the attack in Iraq and while I have learned to be less self-conscious of my appearance, I find myself welcoming this alternative conversation starter. Griff also boosts my self confidence in another way. When you have a disability, you often have to rely on help from others to get through your day. Not only does Griff make me less dependent on others by assisting me with some of those tasks (such as handing me things I drop, holding my jacket in place so I can zip it up with one hand, providing a stable base with his body I can push on for balance/assistance going from sitting to standing) he also allows me to feel needed. Griff and I have a symbiotic relationship that is exceptionally rewarding. I am his person and he is my dog. We are better together than we are apart and that is a very fulfilling reality. I am beyond appreciative of the donors, trainers, and supporters who made this match a reality. Dogs are often coined to be "man's best friend" and that adage is certainly true in this case.”