Stephanie Pettway

Stephanie Pettway

CFC Zone


DoD - Civilian


Giver, Girl Scout Leader, Friend

What is the charitable cause you are most passionate about and why?

The charitable cause that I am most passionate about is supporting and empowering women and girls because when women help other women, amazing things can happen. It is essential to unleashing their full potential through education, economic opportunities, and political power. I believe when we invest in women and children, we make a real impact in our communities.

Why do you give through the CFC?

I give through the CFC because I can give more through payroll deduction. Also, I can simply split my donation between all of the charitable causes that I want to support.

How do contributions through the CFC help your cause?

My contributions through the CFC help my causes by creating opportunities to improve someone’s life. Also, helping others is extremely empowering.