LTC Erica Beam

LTC Erica Beam

U.S. Army

Cause Area


Mom. Reader. Servant leader.

What is the charitable cause you are most passionate about and why?

I am most passionate about donating to charities for premature births and cancer.

Premature births are important because my daughter was born at 23 weeks in Germany, and received majority of her care from birth at the Frauen and KinderKlinik in Heidelberg, Germany.
I support advancement in research through the March of Dimes.

I also donate to cancer research and development charities since I have had many family members including my parents to succumb to cancer.

Why do you give through the CFC?

It supports a good cause. Charitable giving aligns with my personal values.

How do contributions through the CFC help your cause?

It helps funds and advances research, educational programs, development, community services, and advocacy for both, premature births and cancer.